Thursday, November 10, 2016

Proof of Concept - The Aftermath

Proof of Concept - Review

Last week, Kevin and I were tasked to show that our product idea was actually a viable proposal to solve the issue of emergency services being unable to accurately locate individuals in need of aid. This is what we have so far:

Now this might not appear to be a whole lot but it does help display the main functions our idea needed to work:
  • A working display
  • An accurate location 
  • Wireless connectivity between a phone and the device
All that is left is getting all the first aid information we can to be displayed on that tiny screen! Well that and a host of other features we might think up along the way. 
  • The ability to input additional information about the emergency and send that to emergency information.
  • A quick and easy way to find the correct first aid procedure for the current emergency.
  • A long lasting and easy to charge battery.
These are just a couple ideas, but what is abundantly clear is that we are running up against the limit of what we can do with our limited budget, time and expertise. Should we actually look to making this a viable product, the components we use would have to be altered and swapped out. We are still researching what those component should be so more information about that later. For now lets focus on what can actually be accomplished by the end of this course.
  • Adding an alternative power source.
  • Displaying first aid information.
  • Possibly add the pulse sensor.
  • Create a more permanent housing for the display and photon. 

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